Meet Ye Ye Mon | Read about her journey riding the bus

Ye Ye Mon is 23 years old and a stay at home mother. She has been living in Denver for just under a year. She and her husband have a son named Thao Ka Yan. They are refugees from Burma and before coming to America, they lived in Malaysia for 7 years. Ye Ye Mon…

Ki Meh

Ki Meh is both old and young. She is only 36, but she has had more experiences than most people. She was born in Karenni state, and lived there for 15 years before she was forced to flee. She moved to a refugee camp in Thailand and got married when she was just 16 years…

Kae Mae, Finding Dignity In Farming

Kae Mae is 73 years old, and there is something about him that just makes you smile. Maybe it’s his size (he stands at just over 5 feet tall), or maybe it’s his kind face. When he smiles it’s like the sun is coming out from behind the clouds. He smiles and laughs, even though…