Video: Yu Meh

Yu Meh has been farming since the age of 9 and never thought he would farm again once he left his home in Burma. Now he is an inspiration to providing food security to our refugee community who lacks the access to fresh nutritious foods.

Restoring Joy

March of this year marked the two year anniversary of a horrible loss in the Denver refugee community. A woman was crossing the snow covered street with her two young sons when they were struck by a car. Both boys were killed, and their mother, Zama Bee, was left in a state of shock, grief,…

Introducing the Shannon Speech Clinic!

Similar to many other programs launched at Project Worthmore, the Shannon Speech clinic started as a simple idea: To provide speech-language services to a population that is both over- and under-identified with communication disorders.

Thank You For An Amazing New Year

Thank you for your warm welcome into 2015. Your year-end support enabled us to welcome new Rohingya families from Burma. The family above is just one example of how your gifts and volunteer support are welcoming new refugee families to our community.