Mentors Are Life Savers

A heartfelt “Thank You” goes out to Jayla Poppleton and Cheryl Muzaca. These two wonderful women joined Project Worthmore in May to support a newly arrived single mom of three.

Refugee Soccer Program | Westword

Like a lot of newcomers, Jason Hicks was a bit flummoxed by his first visit to the Shadow Tree apartments last year. The complex, just a short stroll off East Colfax in Aurora, is home to a growing number of refugee families, relocated from places like Nepal and Burma and Somalia. It’s a population that…

Campaign Update & More!

We want to extend a BIG THANK YOU to all those who participated in the Dignity Campaign over the summer. Some of you became fundraisers in the Run for Dignity, some gave directly to the campaign, while others shared it with friends. Thank you for however you participated. It was a huge success! We ended…

Teaching English to Refugees: Reflections from Liz Holdeman

In May, Project Worthmore began a class for students who wanted to learn to read. For many of our students, getting an education has been an opportunity not open to them, so the effort put into learning English can be quite a challenge. When learning the English alphabet we are using English words that have meanings that are…